The president's remarks to the people of Berlin from the president's office, December 11th, 1961. On this anniversary of the birth of the Prince of Peace, my fellow Americans and I extend our warmest greetings to you, the people of Berlin. We observe this season of peace and spiritual rededication at a time of crisis. Peace on earth, goodwill to men, real peace, real goodwill, is more of a goal than a reality. Until truly there is goodwill among men, not walls dividing them, our pursuit of peace shall continue. During these days, which ought to bring families together, many of you are thinking of loved ones who are forcibly separated from you. Our deepest sympathy goes out to all those who suffer from this imposed separation, especially at this time of year. For all of us, for freedom itself, this is a time of trial. I need not remind you in Berlin of America's determination to support and sustain you in freedom. The bonds which tie us have been tested before. We are at your side now, as before. We shall stay. The Christmas lights of free Berlin cast a glow which penetrates deep into the darkness surrounding. No wall can keep out this light. We know that this beacon will continue to shine brightly for many years to come. With confidence and conviction, therefore, let us rededicate ourselves to the principles of peace and goodwill towards men, which guided the life of him whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. This rededication will be a source of inspiration to men everywhere. Good evening and a happy Christmas to you all.